Staying happy and healthy in van life has its challenges. I love exploring new places so I am often driving every day, which means finding a new spot to sleep everyday, not exercising enough and picking up a not so healthy snack along with gas can add challenges to my van life.
Being a solo female traveller can bring up other issues of boredom, loneliness and safety concerns. Different weather conditions can add stress in driving. Staying warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather can also hinder the joy of travelling in a van.
I am generally healthy but I came down with my first cold while living in my van which prompted me thinking of this topic. In an area where I did not know anyone, feeling alone, the very cold weather and me coming down with a head cold made for an unhappy traveller.
The first few days I just pushed on, driving a few hours each morning then finding a large parking lot to stop and nap. Finally I decided to look for a place to stay put for a few days. Budget came into this as well since I really cannot afford to pay the RV campground prices and no free sites were is my immediate area.
I did find a basic campsite for $10 USD per night. It was a fairly quiet sunny spot and I stayed for 4 nights. Resting did help to get over my cold but then boredom set in. So how do I stay healthy in van life?
Eating Well keeps me Healthy in Van Life

I try to stay away from the gas stations snacks as much as possible and choose to cook the majority of my meals. Having a good kitchen set up was important in my van design. I have an induction burner which is powered by my solar making it easy to cook up a quick meal.
Along with being healthier, choosing to cook my own meals is partly due to my budget as it can get very expensive to eat out every day. The other reason is I have celiac disease which means I cannot eat anything with gluten making eating out much more limited.
Eggs, veggies, bacon and toast is my go to breakfast. Lunch is often a cold meal of yogurt with fruit or a quick sandwich and raw veggies. Dinner is usually another hot meal. Canned soup or chili with grilled cheese or corn tortilla are easy dinners. A veggie stir fry with rice is another quick meal to make.
One note to myself is to eat more veggies and drink more water.
Getting enough Exercise

As I said earlier I have a tendency to drive almost everyday, which means I do not always get out to exercise enough. I admire people for whom exercise is a natural thing to do. I have to really plan my exercise or it does not happen.
Getting enough exercise is probably my biggest challenge in van life. I am an overweight 60+ year old women and need to make exercise more of a priority. On this 6 month USA road trip I have been better at moving every day. Stopping more often and walking around the rest stop or taking an evening stroll is becoming my normal this trip.
On the days I am stationary I am getting on my electric bike and enjoying and exploring the area. Getting enough exercise has been a challenge my whole life so focusing on this area is one way I am staying happy and healthy in van life.
Getting a Good Sleep
I am lucky I sleep really well. I like to have 7-8 hours and usually get that amount. Travelling solo and finding a new place to sleep every few days can be stressful. I use the ioverlander app and have never had any issues in finding a safe place. Being aware of my surroundings and moving on if my gut says this is not a good place helps me sleep well.
My van is usually locked once it is dark especially if I am in a truck or rest stop. Once I am in the van no one can really tell that I am a solo traveller making me feel safer. I putter around, listen to pod casts or watch shows in the evenings.
When I am boondocking I will stay outside later into the evening but most often I sleep when it is dark and rise when the sun does.
Van is too Cold or Hot
Living in a van you are protected from the elements but just barely. The inside of your van can get really cold or really hot. I do have a propane heater installed and am so happy I did. I can regulate the temperature with a thermostat but it can still be difficult to keep it totally comfortable especially when it gets below freezing. That is when my -5 C (32 F) sleeping bag comes in handy.
The wall behind my seats along with my two fans help to keep the van cooler. If it is not too humid I am comfortable with the higher temperatures so thankfully the heat is not such a big issue for me.
Feeling Lonely
I am generally a positive person and not too much gets me down. As I spend 95% of my time alone I do feel lonely at times. Meeting people on the road is not easy for me. I will occasionally chat with other travellers but I like to have deeper conversations which means getting to know someone for longer than a quick hello.
Chatting with a couple friends each week keeps me connected and sane. Posting my travel pictures on Facebook and Instagram is another way for me to stay in contact with family and friends. I love the comments from them.
Travel insurance
Travelling from Canada I do have have health insurance for any major issues. This insurance costs me about $200 per month but I definitely feel better having it.
A Positive Mind keeps me healthy in van life

Taking the time to be in the moment. Appreciating where I am each day. Enjoying that I am living my dream of travel and exploring new places. Finding new ways to stay focused on the good things in my life. A few challenges crop up once in awhile but the joy and wonder I am experiencing is the best way for me to stay happy and healthy in van life.